Float Level Transmitter Model FN04

Level Measurement to 20 ft., Proportional Voltage Output, Insertion to 40”, Pressure to 600 PSI, Large Selection of Floats and Materials


Model FN04 Liquid Level Measuring Sensors utilize a float fitted with permanent magnets to directly transmit information about changes in the liquid level. The sensor float is raised or lowered with the liquid level. The magnetic field exerted by the float magnets operates a reed contact / resistance measuring chain in the guide tube. The output signal is a voltage value proportional to the fluid level.

Model FN04 liquid level sensors are suitable for measuring and monitoring the level of almost all types of fluids that will not corrode or damage the sensor materials. They may be used in containers up to six meters high.

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This product sold by PKP Process Instruments, Inc., a joint venture of Clark Solutions and PKP Prozessmesstechnik GmbH.
10 Brent Drive, Hudson, MA 01749
Tel: 978-212-0006
Fax: 978-568-0060

Float Level Transmitter Model FN04
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