Sensors for Measuring and Data Logging Instruments


The Right Flow Sensor for Flow Measurement:  Pitot Tubes, Rotating Vanes, Thermoanemometer Probes


The Right Flow Sensor for Pressure Measurement: Thick-Film Sensors, Thin-Film Sensors, Piezo-Resistive Sensors, Gage, Absolute and Differential Pressure


The Right Sensor for Temperature Measurement: Thermocouples, RTDs. Infrared Measuring Technology.

Air Humidity

The Right Sensor for Air Humidity Measurement: Capacitive, Psychrometric, Hygrometric, Dew Point Probes

Building Physics/Moisture in Materials

The Right Sensor for Building Physics: Heat Flow Plates, Moisture Content, Dew Point, Soil Moisture, Material Equilibrium Moisture Content

Electrical Variables

The Right Sensor for Electrical Variables: Split-Core Transformers, Measuring Modules for AC & DC Voltage & Current

Force, Displacement, Flow, Speed

The Right Sensor for Force, Displacement, Flow & Speed: Tension & Compression, Potentiometric Displacement, Optical Rotation Speed Sensor, Vortex & Turbine Flow Sensors

Gas Concentration

The Right Sensor for Gas Concentration: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, Ozone


The Right Sensor for Meteorology- Weather Station, Wind Velocity, Wind Speed, Rainfall, Precipitation Sensors, Radiation Probes, Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature, Humidity

Optical Radiation

The Right Sensor for Meteorology- Weather Station, Wind Velocity, Wind Speed, Rainfall, Precipitation Sensors, Radiation Probes, Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature, Humidity

Water Analysis

The Right Sensor for Water Analysis: pH, Solute Oxygen, Redox, Conductivity, Oxygen

Flow / Velocity Instruments
Pressure Instruments
Temperature Instruments
Air Humidity Instruments
Building Physics/Moisture in Materials Instruments
Gas Concentration Instruments
Water Analysis Instruments

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