UP14 Gear Pumps for Water, Antifreeze & Diesel Fuel
12 or 24 VDC, Flow to 12.0 GPM, Pressure to 29 PSI
Model UP14 is a self-priming, compact, powerful, 12 or 24 VDC
electric gear pumps. UP14 is constructed of helical bronze gears
or PTFE gears, nickel-plated brass body and stainless steel shaft.
Depending on the model, use UP14 for transfer of fresh water,
diesel fuel, antifreeze and other compatible media.
Model types include:
-UP14 Bronze Gear Pump: Main applications are diesel fuel,
antifreeze, water & lightweight oils
-UP14/Oil Bronze Gear Pump: Main applications are engine
lubricating fluids & draining engine sumps.
-UP14-P Gear Pump with PTFE Gears: Main applications are bilge
service and transfer of water.